Places – Mobile Cloud Computing research paper

In this report will be described the main features of cloud computing with particular attention to the M.C.C. (mobile cloud computing) scenario i.e. where mobile devices are main characters of the network. The reason why M.C.C. took place nowadays is mainly because of the limitation of mobile device, like storage, computational power and energy. So they need to reach extra resources for complex jobs.
But the challenging point that will be approached later in this report is based on developing algorithm that optimize a system where the computational power of a mobile device is still used to give a contribution to general system (Cloud, network of all devices connected). To do that further information will be deepened about MaaS, Mobile as a Service, with particular attention to the Mobile as a Service Broker scenario, where the mobile device can act as service provider to the other nodes of the network.
Besides it’ll be introduced the project Places, a new experience of social networking based on geo- referenced contents.

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